Invited Speakers

(Invited speaker`s names listed in accordance with the order of presentation at the meeting)

Prof. Arturo Chiti  (Italy)

Professor in Diagnostic Imaging and Radiotherapy

Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele

Prof. Weihong Tan  (China)

Academician, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS)

Director, Institute of Basic Medicine and Cancer Chinese Academy of Science (CAS)

Dean, Zhejiang Cancer Hospital

Prof. Charles Manning (USA)

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

President, World Molecular Imaging Society (2024-2025)

Prof. Mijin Yun (Korea)

Prof. Chunlei Han (Finland)

Prof. Chunlei Han (Finland)

Chair, Department of Nuclear Medicine

Yonsei University-Gangnam Severance Hospital

Prof. Chunlei Han (Finland)

Turku PET Center

Turku University Hospital and University of Turku

Prof. Gary Ulaner (USA)

James & Pamela Muzzy Endowed Chair of Molecular Imaging and Therapy

Hoag Family Cancer Institute

Prof. Charles Manning (USA)

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

President, World Molecular Imaging Society (2024-2025)

Prof. Mingrong Zhang (Japan)

Director, Department of Advanced Nuclear Medicine Sciences,

Institute for Quantum Medical Science

National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology

Assi.Prof. Minseok Suh (Korea)

Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine

Prof. Heinrich Schelbert (USA)

Professor, Molecular and Medical Pharmacology

David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

Prof. Yun Dong (China)

Marketing Department of Molecular Imaging

Shanghai United Imaing Healthcare Co., Ltd